Thirumalachari Ramasami
to the Government of India,
Department of Science and Technology
T Ramasami, currently Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Science
and Technology, holds a Master's degree in Leather Technology from the University
of Madras, India and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Leeds, UK. He has
also worked on energy research in Ames Laboratory Iowa, USA and on electron transport
phenomena in the Wayne State University, USA prior to returning to India for undertaking
his scientific career. He joined the Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai
as a scientist in 1984 and served as its Director for more than 10 years during
the period up to May 2006. He is known among the scientific establishments in
the country for his leadership to the Central Leather Research Institute. The
institution earned a global leadership status during his tenure as its Director
as evidenced by the 30% global share of publications, >7% share of global patents,
positions in fashion forecasting and the level of public-private partnership built
in leather research.
Dr Ramasami has assumed the role
of Secretary S&T in the Government of India since May 2006. He is currently
engaged in the development of policies and programs for attraction of talents
for study and careers with science, rejuvenation of research in universities,
stepping up of international S&T cooperation, development of public-private
partnerships in R&D sector and accountability of public funded research, development
and demonstration. The Department of Science and Technology is aggressively engaged
in the development of new models and mechanisms for enhancing the role of public
funded institutions in innovations and research and development.
Ramasami has a large number of publications in highly peer-valued journals and
significant number of patents, which are under commercial exploitation. His research
experience spans over several fields and areas in both basic and applied sciences.
He has made some important contributions in the fields of inorganic chemistry
as well as chemical and leather related technologies. His contributions to the
understanding of the chemistry and applications of chromium as well as leather
science and environment related technologies have earned him several professional
recognitions in both India and abroad. These include Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize
for chemical sciences in 1993, election to all major science academies as a fellow
as well the Third World Academy of Sciences and the National civilian award Padma
Sri in 2001.